Help I have a burst pipe!!!

March 14, 2019

The first thing that any homeowner or unit owner should know is how to isolate your water supply in case of an emergency.

Burst flexi hoses or pipes can cause thousand’s of dollars of damage in minutes, unfortunately, sometimes it is unavoidable due to things such as high water pressure, damaged hoses, no isolation valves under taps and many more reasons.

Check out this video on how to isolate water supplies to most houses.

If you have a unit or apartment you need to look for a stop tap, before you ask a stop tap look like a normal water tap you would find in a shower or on a hose tap and is usually located next to a toilet or in a bathroom cabinet, laundry cabinet or kitchen sink.

Once you have isolated the water the next step is to call Red Beard Plumbing (07) 5535 4597.

If you’re not sure how or where to isolate your water or you are concerned about hoses or high pressure call today and mention this blog and Red Beard Plumbing can attend and undertake an audit of your property for a cost of $75.00, this includes:

  • Locate your isolation valve, test and show you how to turn it off.
  • Pressure test your water pressure on hot and cold water and offer advice or recommendations on any suggested works.
  • Check overall water connections to fixtures, inspect hoses and isolation valves for damage.

To find out more call today Red Beard Plumbing (07) 5535 4597.